Saturday, July 20, 2013

Yummi pizzas

Hi! So today we made pizza wich was super good, and well we were at the local farmers market, I bumped into my friend! Hahaha that was funny. Anyways, I need to show what produce is GREAT (great) to put on your pizza :) 
Well we each got five bucks to choose some produce--here's what I got:
Anaheim chil

Then I got squash blossoms, cause' their really good fried, but probably not on pizza. But Their DELICIOUS in tortillas! Anyways, tell me if you think these would make a yummy pizza! Well the pizzas with everyone's toppings (including mine) were really good if I do say so myself ;) (Not trying to brag:))  


  1. hey cecily! that was soops funny! Was your pizza yummy!? I have a picture from breakfast at tiffanys on my blog too!

  2. Yeah hahaha! The pizza was really good! Cool! I saw the picture on your blog :)
