Friday, July 26, 2013

Cute outfit ideas!

Hello! I haven't posted for a while. Anyways, check out these fun outfit ideas that I created ;) Keep in mind, I put together A LOT of outfits!

A lotta outfits eh? Lol it was so fun to create them though. Tell me wich is your favorite! I honestly can't choose...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to school fashion!!

Hi guys! So I need to show you a couple of outfits I put together That I think would be great for back-to-school (using pieces that I already have in my wardrobe.) 

So Here are all the outfit ideas! Enjoy! And please comment what your favorite outfit is! P.S These are just pics from a while back so that's why my hair is long.

My new haircut!

Hello! So yesterday I got a new haircut! I'm so exited about it--it's a little shorter than shoulder length and that's a BIG change for me cause' it used to be pretty long, anyways, my stupid pictures won't upload so I'll have to show you a picture from google search or something.
It looks alittle like this but not that color, and a weeny bit longer.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Faves: July!!

Hi! Okay I have more faves to show you but this time, July :)

Fantastic movie!!!
Movie of the moment:
 (fantastic mr. fox)
Food of the moment:
Fashion fave of the moment:
Sunnies~ these ones are cuute!!!
Product of the moment: 

eos lip balm~ an all time fave!!!
Wait, I have ONE more thing!
Mint candy apple by essie!!!

Cool eh?

Hello! Look at this really cool art:

And I <3 this youtuber!
Cool eh?

Girl with the flower inspiration

Hi! So have you heard of girl with the flower? She's AWESOME!! Check it out!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lovable Things!

Hi! Oh my gosh-- Look below for things I love!

 These aren't quite EVERYTHING I love, but I'll show you the rest on another special post!

More Audrey Hepburn cuteness!

Hello again! Told ya' I'm addicted lol. See this ADOREABLE pic!

I love Audrey Hepburn! 

Yummi pizzas

Hi! So today we made pizza wich was super good, and well we were at the local farmers market, I bumped into my friend! Hahaha that was funny. Anyways, I need to show what produce is GREAT (great) to put on your pizza :) 
Well we each got five bucks to choose some produce--here's what I got:
Anaheim chil

Then I got squash blossoms, cause' their really good fried, but probably not on pizza. But Their DELICIOUS in tortillas! Anyways, tell me if you think these would make a yummy pizza! Well the pizzas with everyone's toppings (including mine) were really good if I do say so myself ;) (Not trying to brag:))  

Friday, July 19, 2013


Hi! Memememe moomoomoomoomoomoo ok what is your mood right now? I am bored/happy. Wierd mood for a wierd blog. Anyways,

Now for the dude part...;)
You know what peepd/dudes I love? these beatles right here!  What about you? And your favorite song by them? I can't choose but I love elenor rigby, Lucy in the sky, and norweigan wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ruby slip-ons

Hi, it's cec of course. So look at this coolness:

How close are these to the real ruby slippers?

Tell me in comments!;)

Two little things...

Hi! It's me again. Looky here...
I wore this outfit a while ago, 
Do you think it's cute? If it is,
I will wear it to a formal event 
Sometime. Not a SUPER formal event
We'll save this one for the casuals .

 And I think these earings are nice for the summer. What about you?

Audrey Hepburn cuteness

I need to show you something... look below for the pics of what I am trying to show youse people. 
 Cute huh? I <3 Audrey Hepburn! Tell me if you do to :) I also like breakfast at Tiffany's! ;) Bye! 

Good day.

Hello! I was up early today cause I had to do chores :(. But of course I got right on this thing--it's my addiction! lol. Well I'll probs see you in a bit :) I love blogging a lot of times a day!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Squishyball fight/war!!

Hi! Thought I'd have to mention an AWESOME lateover with my friend-- We.had.a.squishyball.fight/war. That probably doesn't make sense to you, but what evs. I'll show you what I mean...

 Aren't they AWESOME? We thought they sounded "cute" when we heard them drop into a plastic cup if that makes sense lol! well anyho we took handfulls at eachother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fun! Try it sometime!!!

Hi! it's me again. I love doing this thing with my letters! It's super cool to me. Anyways, I just had to tell you that I'm so addicted to posting over and over again because I usually just post once a day on my other blogs. You'll probably see more posts from today after this! <3 cec! (my nickname)

Summer faves!

So peeps, I really really really need to show you some summer favourites of mine...

Definitely search the recipe for macaroons! They are such a great treat. They are so sweet and tasty I can't beleive it!  

 Red riding hood wins. (I <3 mini babybel cheese!)
So, I'd really appreciate it if you could comment when you can! That'd be awesome. So let's see some more summer favorites! 

Colors: Tomato red, mint green/blue and PINK!
My mystical playlist of summer songs:
  • Blackbird~The beatles
  • In the summertime~Mungo Jerry  
  • Get lucky~Daft punk
  • Baracoodah~heart 
  • Copacabana~Barry Manilow
  • i am a rock~Simon and Garfunkel
  • Carried away~Passion pit
  • Popular~Wicked
  • Sleepyhead~Passion pit
Norweigan wood
~The beatles!

Now for fashion faves!
This kind of bag is super cute especially with the plaid and the harajuku mini stuff.

And these type of sunnies are soops trendy! This is the pair that I own at the moment.
K bye! <3